His Excellency Mr. Yaser bin Ebrahim Humaidan, Chairman of The Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission (RBPC), reiterated the Board’s commitment to continuing the development and streamlining government tender procedures. The aim is to enhance the quality of services provided and expedite response speed to requests received by the Board. The goal is to achieve greater effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility in dealings between the Board, the Purchasing Authorities, suppliers, and contractors.
In this context, Mr. Humaidan announced that, after reviewing the effectiveness of the services provided, the requirements, and their impact on the workflow, a total of 19 forms and lists previously required to be attached to applications will be cancelled. This will contribute to reducing the requirements for 19 of the main services provided by the Board.
H.E. explained that this step aligns with the Board’s commitment to improving and developing procedures, as well as accelerating the pace of work, simplifying procedures, and shortening the documentary cycle, all while maintaining the efficiency and transparency of the process.
Moreover, Mr. Humaidan explained that, based on the values of efficiency and transparency in institutional work, the Board continues its constant and diligent endeavors to adopt, follow, and implement best practices in the field of government tenders and procurement.
H.E. Also added that this will be reflected in the provision of value-added services to the Purchasing Authorities, suppliers and contractors, and streamlining tender procedures in a sustainable and institutional manner, in line with Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030, which aims to create a more competitive and sustainable economy.