1-How to register at RBPC eTendering system?
Kindly visit www.rbpc-bh.org or https://etendering.rbpc-bh.org for registration, login, and access RBPC tenders/ pre-qualification.
2- What are the steps for new registration?
You can register your company at Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission eTendering portal.
For new registration and Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission approval, below are the steps:
Step 1: Go to URL https://etendering.rbpc-bh.org
Step 2: login with credentials and Click on Supplier Registration
Step 3: Fill basic information and submit the request.
Step 4: Receive the email from eTendering system with credentials
Step 5: Login with credentials
Step 6: Complete the registration form, fill required information, upload the CR and submit the request
Step 7: Submit for Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission approval
Step8 : Receive email on Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission approval.
3-What is a CR?
The Commercial Registration number is any number that proofs that you are registered in your country.
4-What if validity not mentioned in CR?
The Commercial Registration number is any number that proofs that you are registered in your country and validity you can keep it 1 year ahead from registration date.
5- Where to find the user guide for registration?
Kindly visit https://etendering.rbpc-bh.org/Tenders/trainingKits/TrainingKitDocUploadActionPub.action?DocTypeId=1 for company registration user guide at RBPC eTendering system.
6-What can the supplier do when the registration is rejected?
To get support on rejected account or retrieve your old registration details, kindly send email to help desk with CR copy attached. email: helpdesk@rbpc-bh.org
7-What if the supplier have many branches with same CR number?
Please be advised that for each branch number CR, there should be separate registration at Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission portal. i.e. 14554-1, 14554-2, 14554-3 etc.
8-What if the CR is without license?
If CR is ACTIVE WITHOUT LICENSE, the registration cannot not be approved. Kindly obtain the license and apply for registration.
9-What if the registration shows as Initiated?
This indicates that you have initiated the registration but not completed yet. You need to update the profile page, upload valid CR document, update CR expiry date, accept terms and conditions, and click on proceed further to submit the profile for Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission approval.
10 - What is Original PDF CR?
Please fill out the profile page, define bid submission password, accept terms and conditions, and click on proceed further to submit the profile for Royal Bahrain Procurement Commission approval.